Domestic violence, sexual
harassment and abuse, misogyny in all its forms – whether in the East or the
West, Muslim or non-Muslim, all these diseases are alive and well in our

These are all common
variations of the basic argument of “well, this is life, just deal with it”…
but that is simply not acceptable, no matter where in the world you live.
The sad truth is that
amongst Muslims as well as non-Muslims, the various diseases that arise from
ingrained misogyny in our various cultures is quite often perpetuated and
encouraged by women themselves. Misogyny is something that is quickly and
oft-identified within men, but recognized much less within women – after all,
how is it that there are women who look down on themselves, who see themselves
as less than their male counterparts?
Whatever the origins of
internalized misogyny amongst women may be, the most dangerous consequence is
that many women will pass on their unhealthy attitudes about gender roles,
sexuality, and more onto both their daughters and their sons.
From infancy, we laugh off
a young boy insistently pushing a little girl around as “boys will be boys,”
yet are quick to scold if a little girl shows signs of aggressiveness. We rarely
– if ever – teach our sons about hayaa’ (modesty), respect, lowering the
gaze, and spiritual chastity the way we fanatically tell our daughters to cover
up and be quiet. We allow our sons to raise their voices – and sometimes their
hands – to us, yet discipline our daughters immediately if they ask a single
question. We keep our daughters close to us at home yet allow our sons to run
wild in the middle of the night, teaching them morality is something restricted
to women (wa’l iyaadhu billah). We criticize our daughters for not
covering their heads in their own homes amongst their mahaarim, and
allow our sons to go out in public wearing tight fitting or inappropriate
clothing, conveniently forgetting that RasulAllah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa
sallam) was ‘more modest than a virgin girl.’
We women – and the men in
our lives – are the ones directly responsible for raising entire generations of
boys and girls, men and women, who have a warped and twisted idea of what morality
is, of what it means to be men and women.
In doing so, we have
perverted and destroyed the very idea of hayaa’ (modesty) and ‘izzah
(honour and dignity) in Islam. A woman’s honour doesn’t come from being held
prisoner in her own home or conforming to bizarre cultural norms of femininity;
a man’s respect doesn’t come from him oppressing the women around him and
abusing his power in order to make himself feel good. The honour, respect, and
dignity of each and every Muslim lies in their subservience to Allah, their
fulfilment of His Commands, and their refusal to accept oppression and
injustice in any aspect of their lives.
{ You are the best nation produced [as an example] for
mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in
Allah.} (Qur’an 3:110)
In the hypsersexualized
global village we live in today, we need to teach our sons and daughters from a
very young age what it means to have respect for others of the same and of the
opposite gender – regardless of what they are or are not wearing.
Teach our sons as well as
our daughters that ‘awrah is about more than the actual physical private
parts; it is about understanding that others’ bodies are not objects that we
are entitled to, but that Allah is Ever-Watchful and that we need to respect ourselves
first and foremost by not allowing our eyes, our tongues, and our limbs to see,
speak, or touch that which is prohibited.
RasulAllah (sallAllahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Emaan (belief) consists of more than sixty
branches. And Hayaa’ (modesty) is a part of faith." (Bukhari)
He also said: “Every
religion has a (distinct) characteristic and the characteristic of Islam is
modesty.” [Ibn Maajah]
It is imperative that we
tie in every single value we teach our children to the most precious of all
values: Taqwa. All that we do, all that we are, goes back to how much we love
our Lord and wish to please Him.
Part of that endeavor to
please Allah and protect ourselves – and our societies – is to strive for
Ihsaan (excellence) in every way.
The Qur’an describes Muslim
men and women in the following terms:
{The believing men and
believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid
what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His
Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in
Might and Wise.} (Qur’an 9:71)
The only way to raise an
Ummah of believers who embody this verse, is to raise our children from a young
age to believe in the standard of Ihsaan – excellence – and hold
themselves to it, especially with regards to how they deal with the opposite
{Tell the believing men
to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer
for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do.
And tell the believing
women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts…} (Qur’an 24:30-31)
Sexual harassment is a
very real problem amongst Muslims, one which – until now – has been allowed to
continue due to the very unhealthy attitudes we have been raising our children
By returning to the Qur’an
and Sunnah, by teaching our sons and daughters while they are still extremely
young about the importance of Taqwa, Ihsaan, and Hayaa’, then and
only then will we finally be able combat this disease (amongst others) in our
We cannot insist that all
our gender-related problems will go away if women just sit at home and cover up
and remain silent and motionless. Rather, we must know that the condition of
our Ummah will never change until we return to the Words of Allah and the
Sunnah of His Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and radically change our
attitudes to match the values taught within them, instead of trying to twist
the Divine Words to fit our own warped mentalities.
Change starts within our
own homes, and starts today. Sit down with your sons and your daughters, no
matter how old they are, and have a much-needed discussion with them about what
it means to respect themselves and others of the opposite gender. Teach them,
truly, what it means for the believers, men and women, to be allies of one
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmathullah wa barakatuhu
JazakAllahu khair for a wonderful blog. I completely agree with you that we can't just sit back and hope things will improve. I do not have children yet so I try to pass on to my own generation what you call for..................
"return to the Words of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and radically change our attitudes to match the values taught within them, instead of trying to twist the Divine Words to fit our own warped mentalities."
May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) continue to inspire you to write such excellent sense, and may He guide and protect you in all that you do. Ameen
Asalaam u alaikum and jizaakillah khair for a wonderful blog. I can't agree with you more. Having been raised up in pakistan, I've lost count how many times I've heard aunties sharing these golden words of wisdom with each other, " if a wife gets a beating from her husband it is because she doesn't know when to shut up!" I still remember so clearly how they'd roll their eyes at such wives who forget their place and then start narrating one incident after another to prove their point. And you're just sitting there dying to point out, "but that man just beat his wife black and blue because she answered him back!!! And rather than shaming him for raising his hand on his wife, you're putting all the blame on her!!!!" And what message do the men get? Sickens me to the core. But in sha Allah the more we learn about our deen, the more we find out that this misogyny is not because of islam. Jizaakillah khair once again.
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