Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Ruins of Us - short review

The Ruins of Us, by Keina Petersson, is a novel that follows the story of an American expat woman married to a Saudi man, who secretly marries a second wife, launching their entire family into a period of turmoil and tragedy.
It is, obviously, not a happy poly story - but it's not your typical angry poly nightmare story either. The villain(s) are not shallow or one-dimensional; the protagonist is not merely a spurned wife seeking revenge.

This is a story about family and complicated emotions and the experience of cultural exile and never quite belonging. Faith and religion play a large role in this story, but never in a preachy or demonized manner, even when it would have been easy to do so.

It is one of the best Muslim-y-ish novels I have read in a long time. I was shocked at how good it was, to be honest. Not only is it completely on point and relatable to those who have or are still living in the Khaleej, but the characters and storylines are beautifully written.
There are no caricatures or stereotypes, just deeply moving human experiences.


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