Husbands gone to work or
to war; long hours stretching into days, weeks, and months during which wives
and mothers spend their days single-handedly raising their children and going
to sleep in beds unwarmed by their men. Grueling journeys from one country to
another; packing up not just clothing and utensils, but memories and dreams, it
is women who find themselves binding their families together and fighting to
create a new life and a stronger bond wherever Qadr takes them across the globe.
These are the women of the frontlines – not necessarily the women wielding swords and bandages, but those whose battles are fought on a different front, where their wounds are often invisible but no less painful than physical scars. These are the women who are left to tend the hearth but who tend to others’ hearts as well; the hearts of their husbands and children, while their own hearts struggle to remain strong.
These are the women of the frontlines – not necessarily the women wielding swords and bandages, but those whose battles are fought on a different front, where their wounds are often invisible but no less painful than physical scars. These are the women who are left to tend the hearth but who tend to others’ hearts as well; the hearts of their husbands and children, while their own hearts struggle to remain strong.

Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays (radhiAllahu
‘anha) was one such a woman. She accepted Islam in its earliest days in Makkah,
as a young bride to one of RasulAllah’s cousins, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib
(radhiAllahu ‘anhu). Instead of a romantic honeymoon, Asmaa’ and her husband
experienced something much more memorable – the first hijrah to Abyssinia for
the sake of Allah alone. They were amongst the first Muslim expats, as it were,
establishing both their marriage and their home in a country foreign to them in
every way, from language and food to faith and culture.
As anyone who has traveled
and lived abroad knows, the adjustment is never easy, and it was infinitely
more difficult for Asmaa’, her husband, and the other Muslim emigrants who not
only had to contend with culture shock, but also with the fear of the Quraysh
coming after them, and longing for the company of RasulAllah (sallAllahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) and the Divine Revelation that came to him.
Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays spent
fifteen years in Abyssinia with her husband Ja’far, raising not only her three
sons, but an entire community of Muslims who clung together and held firm to
the Deen of Islam. They received communication from RasulAllah (sallAllahu
‘alayhi sallam), messages which shared with them the latest verses that had
been revealed, as well as words of comfort, support, and advice.
Finally, the long-awaited
command came: RasulAllah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was calling his beloved
Companions to their new home, Madinah al-Munawwarah. After over a decade in
Abyssinia, leaving must have been yet another bittersweet parting for Asmaa’
and her band of emigrants. Even so, they understood the transient nature of
this world, and in obedience to the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa
sallam), once again uprooted themselves and took the arduous journey back to
yet another foreign land.
Returning to the land of
the Arabs didn’t mean an end to the difficulty, however. As one of RasulAllah’s
most beloved and trusted Companions, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib was often on the
frontlines of the many military expeditions that the Muslims were engaged in.
At the Battle of Mu’tah, RasulAllah established a chain of command: Zayd ibn
Haarith, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, and Abdullah ibn Rawaahah. If Zayd were to fall,
Ja’far was to take his place – and that is exactly what happened. At the end of
the battle, the Muslims were victorious… but all three commanders were
martyred, and Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays was left a widow, the mother of orphaned sons.
Wracked with grief, Asmaa’
soon realized that although the battle was over, the war in her heart had only
just begun. Her fight now was to raise her sons with the same unwavering faith
that her husband had died with, and the same resilience and strength she
herself had displayed when they had made the choice to move to and live in
Abyssinia. Asmaa’s struggle as a newly single mother was recognized by
RasulAllah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), who comforted her.
Abdullah ibn Ja’far (one
of the sons of Asmaa' and Ja'far) narrates:
“The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) gave Ja'far's family
some time to mourn over his death and then visited them saying, ‘Do not cry
over my brother after this day.’ He then said, ‘Bring the children of my
brother to me,’ and we were brought to him like young birds. He then said,
‘Call the barber for me!’ And the barber came and shaved our heads.
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) then said, “As for Muhammed (one of Ja’far’s brothers), he
looks like our uncle Abu Talib, as for ‘Abdullah he resembles me. O Allah! Be
the supporter of Ja’far’s family and bless ‘Abdullah (his son) in the
transactions undertaken by his hands.” The Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa
sallam) repeated this three times.
Then our mother came and
mentioned how her children were now orphans and began crying. The Messenger of
Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)) said to her, “Asmaa’, are you afraid of
poverty for them while I am their guardian in this world and in the hereafter?”
(Source: “Women Around the
Messenger,” Muhammad Ali Qutb)
Asmaa’ remained a single mother
for some time, dedicated to both her sons and her community, determined to be
an active participant of the rapidly growing Muslim Ummah.
Allah didn’t leave her
alone for long, however – roughly a year later, after the Battle of Hunayn, Abu
Bakr (radhiAllahu ‘anhu) proposed to Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays. She accepted his offer
of marriage, and they soon developed a relationship of respect, trust and love,
such that when Abu Bakr was on his deathbed, he made it clear that he wished
Asmaa’ alone to bathe his body and prepare it for his janaazah.
After Abu Bakr’s death,
Asmaa’ once again had to contend with being a widow and a single mother for the
second time. Yet again, though, a worthy man stepped up to take his place at
her side as a righteous husband – this time, it was Ali ibn Abi Talib
(radhiAllahu anhu), who was to be the last of her husbands.
The stories of Asmaa’ bint
‘Umays’ life are not unique ones: immigration, financial struggles, the
unspoken but still raw difficulty of raising a family, crisis, loss, grief…
these are situations experienced by hundreds of thousands of women every day,
across the world. These are the battles that women fight on a daily basis, the
frontlines that they live on, and they are struggles to be recognized and
honoured for being every bit as glorious and worthy of Allah’s Pleasure as
other, more glamorous life challenges.
Women like Asmaa’ bint
‘Umays are not alone, but they are unique when it comes to how
they tend their hearths and homes while war rages within themselves and outside
in the wide world – with the remembrance of Allah no matter how weary the heart
may grow, and seeking His guidance in this world and the Hereafter. It is these
women – women who truly follow the footsteps of Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays, with blood,
sweat and tears as well as laughter and love, emaan and taqwa – who are truly
forgotten heroines in our midst.
1 comment:
very clear statement really make me know some fact about islam
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