Monday, June 04, 2007

Conspiracy Theorist Extraodinaire!

White chocolate is not real chocolate. It is part of a conspiracy by the Free Masons/ Zionists/ Big Brother/insert scary names here . If they get you to believe that white chocolate is real chocolate, you will believe anything... and will be officially just another mindless zombie victim.

White chocolate is not real chocolate.
White chocolate is not real chocolate.
White chocolate is not real chocolate.



Falling on a bruise said...

I am well ahead of you, the lenght of bargepole i would need has not been invented yet.

hema said...

of course it's not. it doesn't even taste like chocolate! i like truffles
what's your favourite chocolate?

Anonymous said...

I love white chocolate! *eats some to taunt you*

Thing is, a lot of parents think it has less sugar or something, so they give it to like 1 year old children who come in to the dentists with rotten teeth and their parents are all confused, because they thought it was meant to be good for them.
